u can click on the column labels to sort! use ctrl+F to search, idk how to make a search function,,,

some commands are missing — there's an image containing the missing ones at the bottom of the page! i'll add them to the table as soon as i have the spoons

pls dont use ult sounds while i'm in a valo match T_T

otherwise hf :3

command(s) audio file
!again we'll just do it again until we get it right
!allday have you been up there all day - yeeeees
!angel i'm going to help you even if it kills us both
!applause applause
!areyouready announcer get ready
!backtonormal everything's back to normal huh - seems like it
!baked half baked - fully baked
!bark dog bark
!betterhide hey - u better find someplace to hide and keep prayin nobody ever finds u
!biteme croc score b
!blink electro special activation a
!bmopls i will not always be here to protect you
!bodychange hold up dude, my body's changing
!bowdown graf intense swing e-CAB-3e986feb31f8995b41f2b73d8d4d288d-6550757258349382490
!burnedout robot score b-CAB-e5e0e65886039d7ce4eb29863fb8fa64-5726223423499048435
!butwhy but why
!canit graf score e-CAB-3e986feb31f8995b41f2b73d8d4d288d-13696573164135323269
!canvas graf gamewin d-CAB-3e986feb31f8995b41f2b73d8d4d288d-6344450142914004915
!checkthis kid special activation a-CAB-2ddd09f81196578474b84af891b9c375-11685875096311283355
!crickets crickets
!criticalerror robot gamewin a-CAB-e5e0e65886039d7ce4eb29863fb8fa64-12207970070969364376
!dangerous human beings are dangerous
!decked robot gamewin c-CAB-e5e0e65886039d7ce4eb29863fb8fa64-9242526049753497048
!depleted my vital essence depleted - must replenish
!dontordermearound don't order me around
!dreamnail hero_dream_nail_slash
!ed1 alright - ed singing random song
!ed2 bebop hear hear alright woohoo
!ed3 ed laughing
eee - check check check checkmaaate
!elderbug1 Elderbug_01
!elderbug2 Elderbug_02
!elderbug3 Elderbug_03
!elderbug4 Elderbug_04
!elderbug5 Elderbug_05
!erase graf intense swing f-CAB-3e986feb31f8995b41f2b73d8d4d288d-1728137089454298457
!evillaugh evil laugh
croc special activation a
!family electro gamewin c
!flyhigh flyHigh_fromHaikyuuTheme
!fsu FSU friends stand united aka fuck shit up
where are you going - into the forbidden zone
!forget let's forget all about this
!gnarly robot intense swing a-CAB-e5e0e65886039d7ce4eb29863fb8fa64-12297045403191907235
!goodday anyway, it's a good day to die
!hail graf gamewin c-CAB-3e986feb31f8995b41f2b73d8d4d288d-5635852746044217252
croc score a
!hellyeah boom score a-CAB-b163f98bf3b81868718771480996e631-11954026658786164842
!howdareyou graf gethit a-CAB-3e986feb31f8995b41f2b73d8d4d288d-9881646543571929847
!hurry hurry up - hurry
ohhh ohhhh i get it ah hahahaha
!ilive boss gamewin a-CAB-5d0b35041e23edf5d6142a9dc18bd01a-6647944258768686562
did you guys know i cannot die
!impossible electro gethit d
!iselda1 Iselda_Shop_Open
!iselda2 Iselda_Shop_talk_01
!iselda3 Iselda_Shop_talk_02
!iselda4 Iselda_Shop_talk_03
!iwon i won
!latch croc pregame selection a
!lookgood graf score c-CAB-3e986feb31f8995b41f2b73d8d4d288d-10199644954961667861
!map it's a map - i no longer need this map i have infallible recall
!mgsalert Metal+Gear+Solid +Alert+(!)
!money i'd like your money
!mycity graf gamewin b-CAB-3e986feb31f8995b41f2b73d8d4d288d-8894430554010515156
!mystic bells + sandstick - this is real mystic and all but uh do you have anything to eat
!mystreets graf score b-CAB-3e986feb31f8995b41f2b73d8d4d288d-9559756228339157448
!notfreedom we will fight for our freedom because we know what freedom feels like - and this is not it
!ohyeah robot intense swing c-CAB-e5e0e65886039d7ce4eb29863fb8fa64-16715274752196921723
!omg oh my goooooooooooood
!oof oof
!overclocked robot intense swing d-CAB-e5e0e65886039d7ce4eb29863fb8fa64-14917484679338429937
!pain c'mon bro takin pain is easy- hickey from the universe
!parry parry activate
!playball announcer play ball
!radicalideas have you ever thought that radical ideas threaten institutions then become institutions etc
!real after all, there is nothing real outside of perception
!regicide you have selected regicide
!rimshot badumtiss
!ryujin watchaa1 OR watchaa2 (it randomly selects)
!scatautotune scat autotune
!shakethingsup graf intense swing c-CAB-3e986feb31f8995b41f2b73d8d4d288d-18109215732834846720
!sign this sign - it's some sort of sign
!sledge they close one more factory we should take a sledge to one of their fancy fuckin foreign cars
!sly1 Sly_New_Roar
!sly10 Sly_wake_01
!sly11 Sly_wake_talk
!sly2 Sly_bow
!sly3 Sly_dazed_loop
!sly4 Sly_shop_open
!sly5 Sly_talk
!sly6 Sly_talk_02
!sly7 Sly_talk_03
!sly8 Sly_talk_04
!sly9 Sly_talk_05
!smallnt people say i'm smalll but i'm a giant to that ant
!sourcecode this must be the universal source code
!storm a storm is coming - our storm
!strangers human beings are brought up to feel as strangers - cont
!switchflip robot special activation a-CAB-e5e0e65886039d7ce4eb29863fb8fa64-16210510580248412512
!tch croc gamewin a
announcer thanks
!thegoodlife what is the good life - gong - and how do you lead it
!thegoodstuff graf gamewin a-CAB-3e986feb31f8995b41f2b73d8d4d288d-2537833452471296485
!thewholething we cannot let go, stretch out our arms - all of it is me
!timesup announcer time up
!toxic announcer toxic
!toxiclaugh graf score a-CAB-3e986feb31f8995b41f2b73d8d4d288d-7823730532473272840
!toxicno graf gethit e-CAB-3e986feb31f8995b41f2b73d8d4d288d-9258095556296048589
!toxicshock graf intense swing b-CAB-3e986feb31f8995b41f2b73d8d4d288d-3287480907396144882
!toxicweak graf score d-CAB-3e986feb31f8995b41f2b73d8d4d288d-18307175286649469167
!tyvisitors visitors, thank you for your attendance
!unique can unique be modified - NO
!want2see Here He Comes Vine by BATHSmusic
!wash gag - you should wash your hair - you should wash your mouth
!watchout croc intense swing d
announcer lethal league
!wipeout robot gethit a-CAB-e5e0e65886039d7ce4eb29863fb8fa64-14161526888006318834
!witness electro special activation b
!woahyeah robot intense swing e-CAB-e5e0e65886039d7ce4eb29863fb8fa64-16368227027327820145
!yuh croc normal swing d
!recognition SovaClutch1
!ace randomly selects Ace_1 or Ace_2
!recognition SovaClutch1
!aimbot KAYOAce2
!another RazeEnemyRazeMatchStart
randomly selects RazeBoomBotCast1 or RazeBoomBotCast2
!clutch randomly selects Clutch_1 or Clutch_2
!dontworry SovaRoundStart3
!loveyall SovaFlawless1
!chaos RazeBarrierDown18
!matchfound Match_Found
!workofart RazeFlawless1
!1enemy One_Enemy_Remaining
!satchelout RazeBlastPackCast1 or RazeBlastPackCast2
!thrifty Thrifty_1 or Thrifty_2
!thatwasfun RazeFlawless3
!dance RazeRoundStart8
!pumped RazePick
!come ViperBarrierDown22
!daloypolitsey "down with the police" ; part of the chorus from Yiddish anarchist song "In ale gasn"
!yahaha NV_Korogu_Man_Young_Normal00_HiddenKorok_Appear00
!superdead PhoenixHeadshot7
SageRoundStart2_edit (credit to claire [of ttv/mean_bean_bois !!!] for the edit idea 💕 check out the bean bois imo !)